Questions about the F-16
Topic: Re: Becoming a USAF Pilot

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Posted by jaydog*1 on 03-11-2003 10:15 AM
I am currently a USAF communications officer. I am preparing to submit a package for UPT in 2004. I am curious to know is there any advice you can give me? I was also curious to know what the likelihood of flying the B1-B out of UPT? I heard that a lot of pilots are going heavies instead of bomber/fighter.

Posted by viperbaron on 03-15-2003 4:45 PM
Jay, The AF is seeking pilots with ONLY the "high tech" graduate studies degrees. You have to be heavy with math & sciences. Height, weight and age restrictions will also play a factor. Blonde hair & blue eyes with German or Austrian decent is a plus too. OK, maybe not.
Uncorrected vision is a paramount issue, however once you are "in" the program you can get a perscription for corrective lenses. The AF still frouns on the LASIC vision "fix", even though the US Army is activily encouraging it's troops to have the procedure.
Now, ...everyone wants to be a jet jockey and fly fighters. The reality is that not everyone will make the cut due to AF needs and academic qualifications. As for the B1-B, YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!? What a piece of flying fuel leak. You know it's being phased out and it's down to 60+/- flyable aircraft right now? I'm not going to go into ALL the engineering shortcommings of that A/C right now. UAV's, UCAV's, cargo/transport/aerial replinishment, helicopter, are the future of the "near" AF aircraft. We're always going to need cargo planes to drop Army pukes into a hot zone, drop humanitairian relief (No spell checker here!), etc.
Technology is stepping in and up so that manned combat aircraft will be more cost effective.
Good luck.

Posted by ScotyUSAFAgirl on 03-22-2004 5:32 PM
Hello, this is my first post. I plan on foing to the US Air Force Academy the fall of 2005 but i was wondering id anyone here knew the height/weight qualifications for becomming a fighter pilot? if so can u get back to me please!

Posted by theboss2be on 03-23-2004 7:08 PM
ScotyUSAFgirl, look on for the FAQ's area. You will find what your looking for there, also you can chat with an advisor at certain times.

Posted by ScotyUSAFAgirl on 04-04-2004 4:21 PM
Awesome, found a chart. That makes me feel better!

Posted by A 16yr old guy living in Malta on 03-08-2005 9:14 AM
Hi everyone I'm new in the forums and would like to know some stuff. I am obsessed in aircraft and have always been dying to become a pilot but I'm not that good in mathematics.What I would like to know is ,does anyone who wishes to become a pilot in the USAF have to be so good in Mathematics. Another question is do you have to be good in engineering or in any other particular subject cause I'm only 16 years old and live in  Malta