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Topic: USAFA- Classes prior to getting in?

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Posted by Andrew34 on 05-09-2005 4:14 PM
Hey, quick question...  I'm currently a sophomore in high school, and am starting to take harder and harder courses in hopes of one day going to the Air Force Academy.  However, I was wondering what types of classes they look for specifically...  Next year, I'll be in Honors Chemstry and AP World History (college course offered in h/s) and hopefully several others to come.  Our local college also offers several classes that are open to high school students if they can test into that class.  Would those count as college level, and would the academy see that you look these college classes and look at them similarly to Honors or AP?  I know for sure that they will count for college credit, but how much would they help?  Any comments or suggestions from those who have "been there" would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks-