How to become a Military Pilot
Topic: fighter pilot question

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Posted by stsPITT on 10-17-2005 10:59 PM
Hi, currently I am considering applying to the navy or airforce to become a fighter pilot. In the spring I will be graduating from the University of Pittsburgh with a degree in biological sciences and a minor in chemistry (3.20 current QPA). Can anyone tell me if this may actually help my chances in becoming a fighter pilot? Thanks

Posted by Zero on 10-20-2005 9:47 PM
if i'm reading this right you're about to graduate from your university and want to be a pilot? i think the only options you really have that have a bit of a chance would be looking into officer trainig school (since its too late for you to join afrotc) or you may want to look into air national not very knowledgable about them so....ya look into those 2 options, may find something.