How to become a Military Pilot
Topic: Re: Steps to becoming a military pilot

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Posted by Killtron2000 on 01-16-2006 8:26 PM
I'am 3 flights away from my private pilot licence, I plan to be a profesional pilot and iam willing to go the civilian route if i have to but would prefer to get military training and experience. I start my freshmen year of college this fall, I'am trying to figure out what classes to register for that would help in my goal of being a military pilot. I'am considering quantum physics, meterology and lots of math classes. Should I take ROTC classes or should i just go to OTC after college? When do I take the AFOQT and the BAT? I could study for them now and feel confident that I would get a qaulifying score or should i wait until i have more total time first? if I have a good chance of being a military pilot I'am willing to do whatever it takes but I don't know where to start. I'am not ready to take any physical or apptitude tests yet. I could be ready for the AFOQT in a few weeks if I started studying now and I could be ready for the physical tests in a few months. When I graduate from ROTC will I be an officer and what commitments will I have to the airforce?

Posted by SemperFly on 02-02-2006 4:21 PM

First, you definitely want to go the military route if you want to fly me on that one.

Next, don't worry about the AFOQT (for now). Step one is to decide on a service (AF, Navy, Marines), then a program (ROTC, OTS, PLC, OCC, etc...). With that you need to ask yourself if you want money for college or free time during college. There are a lot of options available depending on your desires...and all of them eventually get you to flight school, some just pay more along the way. I was a Marine PLC guy because I played baseball in college and couldn't afford spending extra time during the school year.

Anyway, those are just a few things to think about (among many). Keep up the enthusiasm and keep gathering good information.  In the meantime, check out

Fights on!