How to become a Military Pilot
Topic: Re: Do I still have a good shot?

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Posted by Mongoose on 12-10-2005 12:24 AM
I'm in my Senior year of high school. I've always scored right up at the top of my class on standardized tests including ACT/SAT, but have not been the great student I could be.  Freshman and sophomore year my GPA was just average and junior year I was on B honor roll both semesters.  I realize I was an  underachiever in high school, but I am very serious about doing well in college and showing what I am really capable of. I plan on going to the local community college for a year to take as much math and science as I can and I also plan on taking as many flight lessons as I can afford at the local airport. Next I want to go to a four-year college with AF ROTC and get a technical degree of some kind. If I get great grades over the next five years and pursue a private pilots license do you think it would redeem me for not doing so well in high school and show that I am no longer an underacheiver and very serious about becoming a pilot?

Posted by SemperFly on 02-04-2006 12:14 AM

Have I got some great news for you. While the USAF and the Navy might care about your grades, I can tell you from experience that the Marine Corps could care just need to cross the 2.0 threshold. As a Marine fighter pilot myself, I have seen some amazing pilots who would not have gotten into the USAF or the Navy because of grades (or because they weren't an engineering major).

I can give you one solid piece of advice on tests, however. While you only need a 2.0, for any and all of the services, you are going to need to pass an Aviation Standardized test (AFOQT/ASTB). Here is a link to a website with some gouge and some good links to test prep tests are make or break, so start studying now.

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