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Topic: Re: hello all

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Posted by hamada on 03-02-2006 2:28 AM
i want to say thats the war in iraq is not for to secure the united states national security
its look like a robbery   because the iraqi army dont have the power to attack the u.s.a but the situation here in iraq is very baaaad it is a war against civilians
not the terroristss

Posted by adamleeanp on 04-15-2006 12:37 AM
your an idiot, have a nice day

Posted by lcnvz28 on 04-16-2006 11:12 PM
first of all u need to learn english u arab ***.....second of all, u people are ungreatful *** idiots.....dont u people realized what our service men and women sacrificed for your people,and how we freed you from sadam, now u shitbags just throw it in our face....i think our country should pull out and let you all have your civil war and wipe your whole shithole country off the map....and then you all will be crying for our help people are the s*** of the earth..for christ's sake u wipe your ass with your bare left hand..

Posted by SemperFly on 04-18-2006 4:18 AM
Funny...when I was in Iraq, it seemed like the local folks were happy to have us around...but then again that's just first-hand experience. Oh, yes, and their English was better than yours. My guess is that you are a liberal college student from New England who is posing as an Iraqi to make a point...but I digress...

The news media seems to think that there is a "civil war" going on in Iraq, but once again, I have not seen it. Maybe the term "civil war" is synonomous with "kids holding a sign that says 'We love the Marines!'"

Semper Fi,
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