How to become a Military Pilot
Topic: Re: Where should I go to school and what major should I choose?

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Posted by CMoney on 05-03-2006 5:06 PM
As of right now I am finishing up my freshman year of college at the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, my intended major is Computer Science. Ever since I was a child I dreamed of becoming a military pilot however my vision went bad. I recently found out that the military will allow laser corrective surgery for pilots and resparked my interest. I have done some research on the topic and have come up with a few different options.

 My first but most expensive option would be to transfer to Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, sign up for their ROTC program and major in Aeronautical Science AOC: Military Pilot Specialty and minor in Computer Science or Flight. Completing this major would also get me a pilots license.

Another option (less expensive) would be to go to school at either Ohio State, Purdue, Auburn, or Florida Institute of Technology, all of which have Aeronautics departments with flight schools, and ROTC programs.

My cheapest option would be to stay in Wisconsin and do ROTC through Madison where I would stick with my intended major of Computer Science, and then I would obtain a pilots license on my own at a private flight school.

Basically I dont want to spend the extra money if I dont have to, but if it improves my chances of becoming a military pilot then to me its worth the extra cash. Also at schools listed in the first two options I could still major in computer science and minor in flight or major in Aeronautcial Engineering and minor in flight which could increase my range of job opportunities but I dont know how this would effect my chances of becoming a pilot. Any input on which school/major combination would give me the greatest chances of becoming a military pilot would be greatly appreciated.

Posted by david20bucks on 07-28-2007 6:39 PM
I'm a cadet and had been doing alot of research for about 6 years now on how to become a pilot and so far I think my plan is a win win siuration.

your plan seems great but i notice that the money part plays a big role on your choices. Here my plan You could try and get a ROTC sholarship and major  in a tech major because thats what their look for.   If you have some flight tranning that would be great because their know you would do great during UPT or u can join the Air National Guard and let the Guard pay for everything.