Questions about the F-16
Topic: Re: Do you think the F - 16 will be replaced soon?

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Posted by Normsta3 on 07-30-2003 10:19 PM
I know, yet another topic, but hey, this is somethin' else that was on my mind; I was wonderin', will the F - 16 (as in the combat, not research versions) be replaced soon. I mean, of course like not within a few weeks or months, but within maybe a few years. Currently, there are 2 planes that seem to be very capable of filling the role the F - 16 takes on: the F - 22 and the JSF.

Even though the F - 22 was originally intended to replace the F - 15, I seriously doubt that Congress would be willing to spend billions of dollars on just an air - superiority fighter, would they? From what I know, the F - 22 is faster, probably more agile, has a greater range, higher ceiling, is a hell of a lot stealthier, and a whole lot more. Even the new Block 60 F - 16s don't seem to match up that well! Could it replace the F - 16 in the near future, assuming it enters production in reasonable numbers?

Of course, it's expensive as hell, so maybe not completely, but what about the JSF, which is meant to replace a lot of fighters, from the F - 15 to the F/A - 18 to the Jaguar, to possibly even the Tornado. It seems that a great deal of the nations are injecting all their effort into making a cheaper, yet just as capable version of the F - 22 to replace a great deal of existing aircraft. The JSF definitely seems like a greater threat than the F - 22 replacing the F - 16, so I guess my question is, is the threat real, or am I just tripping? Your input would be greatly appreciated.

Posted by run on 08-18-2003 5:10 PM

The JSF will first be truely operational in a decade or so and will be the direct replacement for the F-16. It would be far too expensive to replace the F-16s with F-22s. Besides the F-16 still has some years left as a very capable fighter.

Posted by Normsta3 on 08-24-2003 2:32 PM
Hey run, what's up? Well, I kinda figured that the F-22 would be too expensive, but definitely not the JSF. Not to mention, when used in tandem, aren't those 2 planes some of the most capable warplanes in the world? I guess that's why I thought the F-16 could get replaced relatively soon, but as you said, it does indeed have some years left, seeing as how it is such an outstanding fighter. :)

Posted by King_Wakka on 03-12-2006 11:50 PM
the F-35 JSF will be operational in australia in 2008 or 2009 and the RAAF will use them to replace our F1-11 ardvarcks and F-18 hornets and the JSF is worth $160 million US

Posted by Tomhsu on 07-18-2007 3:42 AM
yes, f 22 already out. f 16 is out of data.

Posted by david20bucks on 07-28-2007 6:43 PM
Yes the F-16 would be replace by the F-35A Lighting II which would be in sevice around 2012