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Posted: 5/29/2002
Name: frfrf
Comments: Write comment herenjkbkjbh

Posted: 5/27/2002
Name: janet bosley
Comments: I am looking for a web site for PRATT HALL locating : Ft. Rucker Alabama ...It is a Flight Similation School...If anyone knows if there is one,please let me know....It was Named after my brother....1st. Lt. Fred O. Pratt

Posted: 5/23/2002
Name: to drenge
Comments: kanon sej hjemmeside kan du give os nogle hjemmeside navne om flyvevåben hilsen to drenge

Posted: 5/22/2002
Name: Steffen Kjendseth
Comments: Cool homepage!!!!!!

Posted: 5/19/2002
Name: 27 IDX 106 - Odinn
Comments: Very good webpage you have here, and best greetings to all your visitors. And people You Are also --> WELCOME <-- To Visit My Webpage as well --> Good informations and much more, have BIG fun.

Posted: 5/16/2002
Name: Jeanette Jensen
Comments: Når jeg bliver stor vil jeg gerne blive en pilot sammen med min bedste ven Kristian.

Posted: 5/15/2002
Name: jimmy bruzual
Comments: excelent page.... good and very interesting sites,,,,} jimmy caracas-venezuela

Posted: 5/7/2002
Name: Randy Barbaglia
Comments: Write comment here Hi Joe, great art! I really did not think I needed to see combat art other than what rolls through my mind every now and then with instant recall. After scrolling along your excellent work I actually began to choke up. Its ironic the only piece of art that I would consider, because of my particular duty in Vietnam, is sold out. Maybe just as well. Thank you for the good work. Randy Barbaglia

Posted: 5/3/2002
Name: JER
Comments: Hej RUN Fandt lige din side, og må sige... nice. Går på FLOS i øjeblikket og skal til usa næste sommer, så der er vel lidt håb forude mvh JER

Posted: 5/2/2002
Name: martin
Comments: det er en fede side men der mangler en ting det er helikopter det kunne i/du godt skrive noget om det eller nogle billeder men den side her fede nok.............?

Posted: 4/28/2002
Name: Murat Aydin
Comments: en rigtig fed side i har lavet... i skal bare ha nogle lidt mere detaljerede billeder af flyverne.... billeder af cockpittet og udstødningerne og sådan noget.

Posted: 4/28/2002
Name: Crusader
Comments: ...best wishes to your site... Nice Pics... Crusader

Posted: 4/28/2002
Name: Siggi Reinicke
Comments: Write comment here Hallo, Peter Stoni, für uns mit unserer CH 53 war es eine schoene Woche.Schade das ich vor 36 Jahren gruen angezogen habe ( obwohl mir blau besser steht)Vieleicht waerst Du dann gerade mein Schueler geworden. Ihr seid ein netter Haufen. In diese Homepage werde ich noch oefters reinschauen und auch meine Bemerkungen abgeben. Erstmal alles Gute weiterhin. Gruesse Siggi ( Flying Fox )

Posted: 4/27/2002
Name: Adam
Comments: Thanks -- cool site.

Posted: 4/27/2002
Name: Susan N.
Comments: Looking for a old friend Named Eric Merritt. He was in Orlando, Fl in 1989 with me. He was in the Nuclear Field. When we separted he was going to Great Lakes in Chicago, ILL for more schooling.

Posted: 4/27/2002
Name: Robert L Megee
Comments:  Sure am looking forward to the reunion in Daton Ohio. My daughter and her husband and I had a good time at Hampton last year.Hope to see all of you there.

Posted: 4/26/2002
Name: David Niels Molberg Thing
Comments: Det var cool at være i karup til familie dag. Jeg var oppe at flyve sammen med RED

Posted: 4/25/2002
Name: Felisha
Comments: Hello my name is Felisha Barthman and I am trying to find some information on the air force for my project in school do u think you can send me some information about the flights and what you mostly do and how it was back then and how it is now. Thanks Felisha

Posted: 4/25/2002
Name: Melvin
Comments: Mean Machines, I tell you. I was wondering if I could buy one of them on credit card?

Posted: 4/20/2002
Name: johan de swaef
Comments: Very nice site ... Visit my site : This site provides information about the Corsair (F4U).I want to illustrate the changes made to the aircraft's design to provide a comprehensive look at the Corsair's details and development.

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