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Avitop Guestbook
Page: 3 of 49
Posted: 4/11/2003
Name: Derek Brown
Comments: I'm a 12 year old kid that loves to fly I flew in a Cessna 172 Skylane. A matter a fact a guy crashed one in the gravel pit up here because his engine stalled on him he made until his nose wheel hit a puddle I was suprised the Cessna 172 was still in one piece

Posted: 4/11/2003
Name: susi
Comments: Write comment here sweet kisses

Posted: 4/5/2003
Name: steve easton
Comments: very good guest book,keep up the good work

Posted: 4/5/2003
Name: kite
Comments: great site. I'll come and visit this one more often. greatings from Belguim

Posted: 4/5/2003
Name: susi
Comments: sweet kisses

Posted: 4/3/2003
Name: Lupe
Comments: I don't know how i got here but great site :)

Posted: 4/2/2003
Name: 27 IDX 106 - Odinn
Comments: This is good website you have here, glad to put my step on it, Best greetings to you and all your visitors. I just say --> WELCOME <-- to visit my webpage as well. Vous êtes bienvenu pour visiter mon webpage Usted es bienvenido visitar mi webpage Dé la bienvenida para visitar mi webpage

Posted: 3/27/2003
Name: mscd5
Comments: cool site

Posted: 3/24/2003
Name: stacy
Comments: great website, lots of useful info!

Posted: 3/22/2003
Name: Frank
Comments: Hi, just went through your site, its very nice made and interesting. keep up! frank

Posted: 3/21/2003
Name: Maria Jose D'Arce
Comments: From Nicaragua I want to congratulate all of you for this interesting and instructive site. Also want to express my affection towards you.

Posted: 3/21/2003
Name: vivek
Comments: tons of useful information.

Posted: 3/21/2003
Name: rick
Comments: great website.

Posted: 3/21/2003
Name: sam
Comments: very interesting site.

Posted: 3/21/2003
Name: sam
Comments: very interesting site.

Posted: 3/20/2003
Name: John Cooper
Comments: Great site you have, visit my RAF site some time

Posted: 3/19/2003
Name: Dave
Comments: Very cool website

Posted: 3/17/2003
Name: don turner
Comments: just getting into website. Think its great! Keep upnthe good work!

Posted: 3/17/2003
Name: Marx
Comments: Great site! Keep it running!

Posted: 3/17/2003
Name: martin Proctor
Comments: I would just like to say that this is an excellent site. THere's nothing that pleases me more than a god browse, and this site offered me one. Congratulations!

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