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Page: 31 of 49
Posted: 6/30/2000
Name: Peter Tonkov
Comments: Beaytifuuuul

Posted: 6/29/2000
Name: rty
Comments: ty

Posted: 6/29/2000
Name: Chris V.
Comments: This is one of the best airplane sites I've been to I liked some of your pictures they are ok the best one I liked was the F-16,F-15,F-14, Thunderbirds,and the Blue Angeles. bye.

Posted: 6/28/2000
Name: Mal Tuohy
Comments:  First time I have visited your site. Great pictures. Keep up the good work. Loved your pictures of the F-16

Posted: 6/27/2000
Name: Storyteller
Comments: Torrak! Ivalo torraqaaq! qujanaq.

Posted: 6/27/2000
Name: Normann Olsen
Comments: I Love it!

Posted: 6/27/2000
Name: Ivalo Petersen
Comments: nice page you have!

Posted: 6/27/2000
Name: jbh
Comments: this is the coolest web site ever i love it keep up the good work

Posted: 6/25/2000
Name: Karl Craigie
Comments: First visit to your site on June 25th, 2000. Downloaded the Hercules. Great Photo.

Posted: 6/25/2000
Name: Amit Kumar Das
Comments: Wow I was really impressed...the watery picture of the F-16 was really good..haw did you do it? Also I enjoyed the interactive F-16 tour...Keep up the good work.

Posted: 6/24/2000
Name: vermylen pierre
Comments: very good site

Posted: 6/24/2000
Name: vermylen pierre
Comments: very good site

Posted: 6/24/2000
Name: Jacob
Comments: det er en meget meget meget flot hjemmeside og flotte foto med venlig hilsen jacob

Posted: 6/23/2000
Name: Amy Troja
Comments: I accidentally found your website when I was trying to check my school email account. Somehow the server was messed up and pointing to your site instead. That was the luckiest mistake. I've explored your site these last two days entirely too much, neglecting to be diligent while I'm here at work. When I was a little girl I dreamed of flying and wanted to be the first female Fighter pilot, well my horrible eyesight impeded me from ever becoming a fighter pilot but my love affair with aircraft continues. Someday I hope to get my pilot's liscence, in the meantime I'm finishing up my BA in Informatin Systems... It's practical but a far cry from flying. Your Site is awesome, thanks for doing such a great job keeping it up. ~Amy

Posted: 6/22/2000
Name: Arnar Haugedal
Comments: Interesting! How did you make the picture of F-16 with the "water-effect"?

Posted: 6/22/2000
Name: Carlos Torre de la Vega
Comments: Tremendous site I am an old retired pilot and currently a 15 years Flight Simmer and this is the first I visit your page and its very good

Posted: 6/21/2000
Name: waseem zaidi
Comments: Its a great site. Very impressive and informative.

Posted: 6/21/2000
Name: chris
Comments: how did you make that pic of the f-16 with the water effect?

Posted: 6/21/2000
Name: Morten
Comments: Jeg syntes at det er en MEGA FED side med nogle kanon flotte billeder.

Posted: 6/20/2000
Name: ersen
Comments:  hi, I am an AH-1E pilot, and I want more info about attack helicopters, thanks.....

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