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Corner velocity

Last post 05-07-1999, 2:31 AM by anonymous2. 49 replies.
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  •  05-07-1999, 2:05 AM 322 in reply to 320

    Flanker 2.0

    *** Posted by Rapier ***
    Hi Rapier
    The Flanker 2.0 is the most awaited sim for me after Falcon 4.0.
    The graphics look fantastic and I think the flight model of the Su27 is 99% real. (Only the russians can do that)
    I recomend to you to buy this sim because you'll learn more about a true fighter (dogfighter)
    About dif. I'll write them down later.

    Hi Tiger,

    I had a little go at the last computer show and it looked great then, I wonder how good it looks and how well it fly's now. I love dogfighting, I think it's one of my strong points when it comes to sims. I was on F4 today fighting a MIG-29. Me on cadet, him on ace. I managed to shoot him down 6 times, he shot me down once. I'm ok on bombing but I dont think it's better than dogfighting. I cant wait, I hope it's as accurate as F4 and comes with a nice chunky manual with all the secrets. I wanna try the Cobra for myself! Yee Haa!!! ;)

  •  05-07-1999, 2:12 AM 323 in reply to 240


    *** Posted by TIGER ***

    Hi Rapier
    Here is my list of sims:
    EF2000, F22ADF, Flight Unlimited, SU27 ver. 1.5, Falcon 4.0.

    [Hi Tiger,

    If you look in your Falcon 4 manual you look at the diagram on chapt 2-3, it's quite interesting. It's the turn performance of the F-16 (though add a couple of digits to get the real F-16 best turn performance). Do you notice anything interesting about this diagram. Remember what I was saying about keeping the airspeed between 450-480 knt's before the tight turn. Notice that the grey curve is missing for the 400-500 Knt's. If you imagine a grey curve between the Mach 0.3 and 0.6 Mach lines. If you were to draw another grey line here according to this diagram you will notice that it gives you the straitest curve of the whole diagram, this is close the the clasified turn rate of the real F-16.

    By the way do you use F22 ADF for any sim action as well. I have just heard that DID have used a beefed up version of the F22 ADF sim to train American pilots in combat training. This is amazing news, what do you rekon.

  •  05-07-1999, 2:17 AM 324 in reply to 321

    Re:My full name is...you know it.

    *** Posted by Rapier ***
    Hi Rapier
    Give your email or something to contact you because in a few days I'll be absent and I don't think I'll be so often on the Internet.
    If I can't contact you I want to say it is a pleasure to talk with you.
    My email is mircea@std.ici.ro.
    My address is :
    Str. Bodesti Nr.9 , bloc 29A, sc. A
    Ap 1, Sector 2, Bucharest
    And my full name is : Raureanu Iulian(Julian) Mihai(Michael) "TIGER"
    Best regards for you

    Hi Tiger,

    Yeah sure, It's been a real pleasure talking to you to. Here's my email address.

    E-mail: (FerrariFerrari@Yahoo.com)
    Full Name: Lorenzo Silvestri
    Callsign: Rapier

    Where are you going to? On holiday?
    I would also like to thank you for giving me all this great info about Russian aircraft, it's been really interesting. Do you know you have already given me enough info on the MIG-29 to get 6:1 kill ratio on Falcon 4. He was set to ACE and me on cadet. I could'nt even get one kill before! You and RUN have really helped me so thanks guy's. I hope you will also use this Forum as well Tiger, because it's also good talking here.

    Just feel free to contact me at anytime for a good chat ;). You will have to contact me to let me know when your going away ok.


  •  05-07-1999, 2:24 AM 325 in reply to 323


    *** Posted by Rapier ***
    Hi Rapier
    Here is my list of sims:
    EF2000, F22ADF, Flight Unlimited, SU27 ver. 1.5, Falcon 4.0.

    Hi Tiger,

    You have quite a few and a you also have good taste. I have Super EF2000, F22 ADF (fantastic sim), Microsoft Combat Sim, Falcon 4, Apache Havoc, F16 Multirole and Joint Strike Fighter. I'm getting loads more this year because there are some really good ones comming out.

    By the way did you say that your studying aerodynamics and fluid dynamics?

    Look at us we sound like a pair of kids in the school playground. Ha Ha. :)


  •  05-07-1999, 2:31 AM 326 in reply to 325


    *** Posted by TIGER ***
    Hi Rapier
    If you have any questions just let me know. And I study aerod. and fluid dynamics and more.
    It has been my pleasure to help you.
    I'm going to sleep because is late.
    Here in Romania is now 3:33 AM
    Bye Bye

    Hi Tiger,

    You have quite a few and a you also have good taste. I have Super EF2000, F22 ADF (fantastic sim), Microsoft Combat Sim, Falcon 4, Apache Havoc, F16 Multirole and Joint Strike Fighter. I'm getting loads more this year because there are some really good ones comming out.

    By the way did you say that your studying aerodynamics and fluid dynamics?

    Look at us we sound like a pair of kids in the school playground. Ha Ha. :)


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