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ATC commands

Last post 06-27-2017, 9:47 AM by mahireza. 2 replies.
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  •  03-08-2009, 7:45 PM 7294

    ATC commands

    I was recently vectored to final and was cleared to land.  When I was no more than two miles out I was told that my clearance was canceled.  I had not heard that before and was unsure about hearing it right, so when called a second time that my clearance was canceled, I responded that I was already on final, they told me to slow down, make S turns, and watch out for wake turbulence from the jet that was taking the active.  My question is, what is the standard procedure for clearance canceled when on final?  I think had I started a go around I might have caught up with the departing traffic, luckily I was slow and able to land safely with no problems, I have just been concerned with my lack of knowledge with clearance canceled.  Your thoughts and opinions are appreciated.
  •  05-13-2010, 12:28 AM 9209 in reply to 7294

    Re: ATC commands

    You're probably long gone as you only posted one thing on this forum over a year ago. I'll try to answer to the best of my knowledge if not for you, for anyone reading this who is curious.

    Landing clearances being canceled are very rare. This usually occurs when a controller misjudges an airplanes approach speed, or attempts to get someone out in front of them and he doesn't move fast enough and ends up cutting them off. I'm guessing if you were really that close and he did that he ONLY did that to cover up for an airplane that pulled out in front of you and basically committed an infraction known as a runway incursion. Since it happened on his watch it sounds like he was covering his tail. If you are told you are cleared to land that is YOUR runway, unless you are told "cleared to land number X" where X is your number in line.

    Remember, all pilots can simply say "unable" to any command given to them by ATC. Pilots don't realize ATC is a guidance to pilots, not a director. Remember, YOU are PIC of that plane, not ATC. Since its your tail that would be pulled out of the trees if you crash, its your tail that can tell ATC to stuff it if you don't like their last instruction.
  •  06-27-2017, 9:47 AM 15079 in reply to 9209

    Re: ATC commands

    What Is ATC
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