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Aircraft Broker course or school?

Last post 12-09-2021, 2:42 AM by EsmiRik. 7 replies.
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  •  11-19-2009, 9:44 PM 8598

    Aircraft Broker course or school?

    Can anyone recommend an aircraft broker class or share where to start to get trained and certified to sell airplanes?
  •  11-20-2009, 9:30 AM 8599 in reply to 8598

    Re: Aircraft Broker course or school?

    There is a class Aircraft Broker 101 taught by ICASP ( www.ICASP.org ) with live instructors (not a video) and I think is pretty reasonably priced.  It's really for people with aviation experience but heard it's a good basics class for selling or buying a plane. You'd still need to work with someone with experience but the more you know the better if you're job hunting or have prospects of your own. Good luck!
  •  11-24-2009, 9:50 AM 8631 in reply to 8599

    Re: Aircraft Broker course or school?

    Thanks.  Will try to post a review as I think I'm going to go to the one in January.
  •  01-17-2013, 8:48 PM 12162 in reply to 8598

    Re: Aircraft Broker course or school?

    You can go for the classes that offer quality training to the candidate and offer with a valid certification. Look for such classes online in your area and never forget to get the recommendation from ex-candidates of the institutes.
    private jet travel
  •  11-17-2016, 1:13 AM 14949 in reply to 8598

    Re: Aircraft Broker course or school?

    I too was in search of an aircraft Broker course and thanks my friend for the same query here and this answers are really helpful
  •  11-17-2016, 1:15 AM 14950 in reply to 8598

    Re: Aircraft Broker course or school?

    This was helpful post here and I could find the needed Aircraft Broker course from here.
  •  02-23-2018, 10:55 PM 15274 in reply to 8599

    Re: Aircraft Broker course or school?

    Thank you very much for the reply.my cousin was interested to know about this.I can help him from your reply.
  •  12-09-2021, 2:42 AM 15985 in reply to 8598

    Re: Aircraft Broker course or school?

    An aircraft broker should have some experience in aviation e.g. pilot, flight instructor or mechanic. Sales and marketing experience is also very important along with account management and business development. One year as a broker is often a pre-requisite as is strong knowledge of business software.
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