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Do they use Geography or mathematics?

Last post 12-28-2022, 11:36 PM by Lebe. 6 replies.
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  •  01-21-2011, 3:15 PM 10050

    Do they use Geography or mathematics?

    How do fighter pilots find their way to their airfields after patrolling?
  •  01-29-2011, 12:10 AM 10067 in reply to 10050

    Re: Do they use Geography or mathematics?

    Pilots use many methods for navigation. Sometimes looking for familiar points is easiest. Other times a map and stopwatch are used. GPS is common today, as well. Many airports also have radio direction-finding beacons to use.
  •  08-18-2011, 9:38 AM 10638 in reply to 10050

    Re: Do they use Geography or mathematics?

    most pilots are using GPS nowadays..
  •  02-05-2019, 6:44 AM 15463 in reply to 10638

    Re: Do they use Geography or mathematics?

    At the moment, created a variety of different aircraft: airplanes, balloons, gliders, airplanes, etc. But the condition for the flight of any aircraft is common - they must overcome the force of gravity, i.e. during the flight to create a lifting force exceeding the force  Earth's attraction.  For this it is necessary to study geography and mathematics.  very helpful article from this source -pro-papers.com
  •  08-31-2021, 3:16 AM 15964 in reply to 15463

    Re: Do they use Geography or mathematics?

    It is necessary to have both subject knowledge.
  •  05-30-2022, 12:56 AM 16038 in reply to 15964

    Re: Do they use Geography or mathematics?

    They use communications and the magnetic compass.
  •  12-28-2022, 11:36 PM 16072 in reply to 15964

    Re: Do they use Geography or mathematics?

    I think so. We've to be at high level at both knowledge to become a best military pilot.
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