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Homeschoolers welcome?

Last post 06-09-2006, 6:41 PM by americanstrategist. 2 replies.
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  •  02-13-2006, 11:12 PM 3211

    Homeschoolers welcome?

    Hey everyone,

    I have dreamt of being a fighter pilot for as long as i can possibly remember. i however didnt honestly think it was possible for me utill recently. I was homeschooled after 8th grade, and finished with a GED. Im working to take my SAT and ACT. Is it really even possible for me to get into the academy at this point? My extra curricular isnt that great at the moment, my life has basicly for the last 6 or 7 years revolved BMX (racing and freestyle) where ive competed in nationals, been sponsored, did race for life, and trained other riders throughout my career, i know this isnt as big of a hit as highschool sports, or extra curricular work, but do you think that, combined with me working for the past year in a factory be good enough to be nominated, as well as accepted? One last question, what exactly do i need to do to get a nomination? I know i have to mail congressmen and senators, but how many should i send a letter to, is there a limit? Any and all info is very helpful

    thanks for taking the time to read all that, and for any help you can provide Smile
  •  06-08-2006, 12:25 PM 3402 in reply to 3211

    Re: Homeschoolers welcome?

    I really don't know how good your chances are with a GED and not a diploma.  It would be best for you if you attended college for a year and really worked your butt off achieving good grades and the such.  You especially need to get involved in more strenous sports (track, basketball, soccer, etc..) and join clubs and earn leadership positions in them.  Work experience is good, but extracurriculars are even better.  I would especially recommend for you Civil Air Patrol.  It will really get you ready for the military lifestyle and it is good for earning leadership in and awards from. You should also really get involved in community service and try for at least 100 hrs.  As for nominations you should send letters to your one congressman for your congressional district, to both of your senators, and the vice-president if you feel you can.  If someone is from the military in your family you can also apply to the president.  Good luck.
  •  06-09-2006, 6:41 PM 3408 in reply to 3402

    Re: Homeschoolers welcome?

         Yes, you will definitely need community involvement as well as really good grades and sports.  I hear that the USAFA is actually accepting a small amount of home schooled students.  Do all of the stuff that CAPman 21 suggested.  If you accomplish most or all of these things, you do have a chance of being accepted.  They are really looking for achievement, so study hard, train hard physically, and contribute to your community.
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