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Requirements and probablity of becoming a pilot

Last post 03-15-2006, 1:47 AM by SemperFly. 10 replies.
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  •  02-01-2005, 12:31 PM 2788

    Requirements and probablity of becoming a pilot


    I am an 18 yr old senior with a 3.8 GPA and I took the asvab pre-test and missed one of the questions.  The only downfall to my dream is that I am near-sighted.  I have been told by my recruiter that this is fixable by lasic surgery.  Does the Air Force allow fighter pilots to have this surgery?  I have been told that they permit it but I'd like to hear from a current pilot or previous pilot of the AF an absolute.  So let's say someone was to be near-sighted and wanted to join, did good in school, was top in all of his classes at the academy, and met all the physical requirements to become a pilot and then had the surgery, would he be able to pursue his dream as a pilot? 

  •  04-17-2005, 12:09 PM 2894 in reply to 2788

    Re: Requirements and probablity of becoming a pilot

    The best idea is to not get surgery yet, especially LASIK.  I believe I've read that, because they actually cut part of your eye in LASIK, ejections can damage your eyes, which is obviously not a good thing for a pilot..  You can be accepted as a pilot with less than perfect vision and then get a waiver for PRK surgery.
  •  08-04-2005, 11:04 PM 2994 in reply to 2788

    Re: Requirements and probablity of becoming a pilot

    hey, you said u were top of your class in the academy i want to ask you wat the exact reqirements to get into the academy are.....as in the gpa u need to have, and the which classes in high school u need to have taken, and the amount of points in each one.... it would be a huge help so plz respond
  •  08-30-2005, 3:44 PM 3005 in reply to 2788

    Re: Requirements and probablity of becoming a pilot

    Hey i'm 14 years old and i was wonderin how many years of college do u have to go through to be a fighter pilot?
  •  08-31-2005, 8:45 AM 3008 in reply to 2788

    Re: Requirements and probablity of becoming a pilot

    4 years.  You could either go to the Air Force Academy for 4 years and be commissioned an officer, or you could get a bachealors degree at any college and then apply for a pilot slot; either way you'll probably be doing 4 years of college.
  •  08-31-2005, 12:50 PM 3011 in reply to 2788

    Re: Requirements and probablity of becoming a pilot

    I am also an 18 year old senior in school however i do not have the greates GPA at all. Can annyone tell me if i still have a chance to become what i've always dreamed?
    There is a lot of competition in this field and i would like to know if it's all based on your marks out of high school.

  •  09-01-2005, 8:21 AM 3013 in reply to 2788

    Re: Requirements and probablity of becoming a pilot

    Your high school grades certainly play a role.  While you probably couldn't get into the Air Force  Academy, you could join the Air Force or Air National Guard, go to college, do well, and then apply for a pilot slot.
  •  12-16-2005, 10:09 PM 3142 in reply to 2788

    Re: Requirements and probablity of becoming a pilot

    I would love to be a fighter pilot though the problem is that in Maths i always get a C and in all my other subjects i get A's
  •  03-10-2006, 8:59 PM 3258 in reply to 2788

    Re: Requirements and probablity of becoming a pilot

    daring, is that GPA unweighted?
  •  03-12-2006, 3:44 AM 3261 in reply to 2788

    Re: Requirements and probablity of becoming a pilot

    well in australia the RAAF r looking for 10000 to 15000 more ppl for when they get the new F-35 JSF so yer good idea to come to aust. and requirments r  C avg yr10 science and pass in yr12 maths and english
  •  03-15-2006, 1:47 AM 3278 in reply to 2788

    Re: Requirements and probablity of becoming a pilot

    DO NOT GET LASIK. It is currently not waiverable (PRK is, however)...Check out the top link at the following page for a more natural approach to 20/20...

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