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want to know about the PABT test

Last post 10-15-2012, 2:17 AM by sudarshan. 14 replies.
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  •  06-07-2006, 1:49 AM 3395

    want to know about the PABT test

    hi friends,

    I have filled the application form for woman pilot ,i want to know some facts.

    i have completed my engg with 55% , will i get a call for the PABT test??

    what is PABT test?? what does it consists of???

  •  04-15-2007, 12:23 AM 4180 in reply to 3395

    Re: want to know about the PABT test


    hi friends,

    I have filled the application form for  pilot ,i want to know some facts.

    i have completed my engg with 67% , will i get a call for the PABT test??

    what is PABT test?? what does it consists of???

  •  04-16-2007, 1:28 PM 4187 in reply to 4180

    Re: want to know about the PABT test


    hi friends,

    I have filled the application form for  pilot ,i want to know some facts.

    i have completed my engg with 67% , will i get a call for the PABT test??

    what is PABT test?? what does it consists of???

  •  06-19-2007, 11:53 PM 4432 in reply to 3395

    Re: want to know about the PABT test

    Dear Sir,


    I have filled this form and i have received a call for PABT Test so i want to know about PABT Test . please help me out for that.





  •  06-20-2007, 1:35 AM 4433 in reply to 3395

    Re: want to know about the PABT test

    hello ,

    i wnt details of PABT Test


    thanks & Regards



  •  07-02-2007, 1:37 PM 4485 in reply to 3395

    Re: want to know about the PABT test

    Pilot Aptitude Battery Test is an aptitude test designed and conducted for all those candidates who aspire and apply for a flying career in the Air Force. The main aim is to test the mental alertness, presence of mind and self-confidence of the candidate. It checks whether a prospective candidate has proper control over his nerves while he is flying an aircraft. For this, the candidate is put through tests including meter reading, flying test and drum test. You can take the test only once.
  •  10-15-2007, 8:30 AM 4760 in reply to 3395

    Re: want to know about the PABT test

    ya definitely ull get dear...PABT stands for pilot aptitude battery test, its main aim is to judge the candidates ability towards flying..moreover to see hand eye coordination...tats it...
  •  10-29-2007, 4:19 AM 4804 in reply to 3395

    Re: want to know about the PABT test

    hi friend ,

    pabt is an simple exam consisting 4 phases you have to answer

     1, 15 questions in 12 min 

     2, 60 question in 20 min 

    3, machine test its like playing viedo game using your hand and legs there is 2 games  its easy ....

    dear i dont know how they will select applications but the persons attend with me are all had more marks ... furthe rcontact me through mail....{ muraliwillbe@gmail.com}

  •  10-29-2007, 4:21 AM 4805 in reply to 4180

    Re: want to know about the PABT test

    hi friend ,

    pabt is an simple exam consisting 4 phases you have to answer

     1, 15 questions in 12 min 

     2, 60 question in 20 min 

    3, machine test its like playing viedo game using your hand and legs there is 2 games  its easy ....

    dear ...furthe rcontact me through mail....{ muraliwillbe@gmail.com}

  •  10-29-2007, 4:23 AM 4806 in reply to 4433

    Re: want to know about the PABT test

    hi friend ,

    pabt is an simple exam consisting 4 phases you have to answer

     1, 15 questions in 12 min 

     2, 60 question in 20 min 

    3, machine test its like playing viedo game using your hand and legs there is 2 games  its easy ....

    dear .furthe rcontact me through mail....{ muraliwillbe@gmail.com}

  •  04-12-2009, 3:54 AM 7424 in reply to 4485

    Re: want to know about the PABT test

    actually I wanted to know about the written tes conducted before PABT

  •  10-11-2009, 1:54 AM 8404 in reply to 3395

    Re: want to know about the PABT test

    you can check http://how-to-become-pilot.blogspot.com/
  •  10-15-2012, 2:09 AM 11905 in reply to 4180

    Re: want to know about the PABT test

    PABT is Pilot Aptitude Battery Test. it is the test to see your qiuckness to respond a stimuli..
    the test will be explained to you in detail when you report at the AFSB or SSB
    by the selection board member(who is also a flight instructor).

  •  10-15-2012, 2:11 AM 11906 in reply to 4433

    Re: want to know about the PABT test

    the test will be explained to you in detail when you report the AFSB

  •  10-15-2012, 2:17 AM 11907 in reply to 4187

    Re: want to know about the PABT test

    s surely all eligible candidates will recieve a call letter who's application is copmlete in all reguards. reg your % it is more than the min % i.e 60%.

    PABT will be expained to you by the instructor in the AFSB or SSB and you can raise your querries to him.

    i give you one clue, play the pc games for 2-3hrs a day and that will improve your quickness

    all the best
    good luck
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