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My chance of getting into the AF Academy?

Last post 06-22-2007, 10:52 PM by raimius. 1 replies.
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  •  06-18-2007, 2:43 AM 4429

    My chance of getting into the AF Academy?

    Well, I'm going to be a junior and I currently have straight A's in my AP classes and regular classes. I spent a semester in AFJROTC and I'm going to a different school so that I can continue my junior year. I don't have any sports but I have been able to get into National Honor Society and I was in the Chess Club for 2 years straight (Eh, it was for fun). I'm physically fit and I'm into working out and lifting weights. I'm also a pretty good runner and I'm planning on joining track as well. I want to be some kind of engineer but not a pilot, I do have bad eyes and my glasses are pretty thick. They aren't extremely bad. I think they're around about -3.8(edit: 6.00) , nearsightedness of course.  So my main question is, what chance do I have to get in with my eyesight and all?

  •  06-22-2007, 10:52 PM 4449 in reply to 4429

    Re: My chance of getting into the AF Academy?

    Your eyes shouldn't stop you.

    From a retired DoDMERB official: "I really don't know if this has been brought up before or not. If your sphere (the first set of numbers) is less then -6.00 for the sea services and -8.00 for USAFA/USMA then you have no problem. If the Cylinder (second set of numbers) is less than -3.00 for all services you are good. No need for a waiver then. And if the numbers you state are correct then you should have no problems in the next year or so in getting into one of the service academies or ROTC programs from a visual acuity/refractive error stand point." (via www.serviceacademyforums.com)

    You REALLY should get into a sport!  Another club or activity would be good too.  Also, remember, the academy wants to see involvement and leadership in your activities.  Your academics will help your chances greatly, especially if you get great ACT/SAT scores.


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