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cultivating a relationship with a congressman

Last post 06-27-2008, 9:47 PM by raimius. 1 replies.
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  •  06-17-2008, 5:02 PM 5531

    cultivating a relationship with a congressman

    Hi all,
    I am going into my sophmore year in high school, and know most of the stuff that i would have to do to get into the Air Force Academy, such as grades (i have a 3.5 gpa), ec activities (i am in cross country running, nordic skiing, track, and rowing, and i road bike, and i am almost an eagle scout, and a staff reporter on the school paper), and i am working towards my private pilots cert. I know you need a recommendation letter from a congressman or senator, and i was just wondering how to go about cultivating a relationship with a congressman. Any help would be greatly appreicated. Thanks.
  •  06-27-2008, 9:47 PM 5572 in reply to 5531

    Re: cultivating a relationship with a congressman

    You don't need a "relationship" with your congressman.  Almost all (if not all) members of congress have a selection committee that evaluates applications.  Most offices have their own application process (including a paper application and interview).  Contact your representative's and senators' offices and ask how to get an application.
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