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Avionics FOR SALE

Last post 06-16-2010, 4:53 PM by fmiaero. 0 replies.
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  •  06-16-2010, 4:53 PM 9320

    Avionics FOR SALE

    Good Day!

    We have the following items in stock and ready for immediate delivery:

    Description Part Number Condition
    VHF 618T 522-1501-000  AR
    ADF 51Y4 522-1836-00 AR
    ADF 51Y4 522-1836-000 AR
    VOR/ILS Receiver 51RV-1 522-2450-115 AR
    VHF 618M-1 522-2466-004 AR
    Instrument Amplifier 522-3120-005  AR
    Antenna Coupler  522-3443-00 AR
    Antenna Coupler  522-3443-001 AR
    Amplifier 522-4538-002 AR
    Steering Computer 562A-5F4 522-4703-004  AR
    VHF 618M-3 622-1181-003 AR
    VHF 618M-3 622-1181-005 AR
    DME 860E-4 622-2920-002 AR
    Transponder Adapter 068-1011-01 AR
    Power Supply 10-3257-3 AR
    Cabin Temp Control 10-60498-12 AR
    GCU 10-61224-3 AR
    PCB 10-61224-4 AR
    Window Heat Ctl 10-61833-1 AR
    Vibration Monitor 14-013053MA AR
    Relay Box 172938-001 AR
    Radar Transceiver RDR-1E 2067157-0103 AR
    Radio Altimeter ALA-51A 2067631-0501 AR
    MKA-28C 2087821-2811 AR
    Slaving Amplifier 2585703-2 AR
    VG 2587335-12 AR
    DG 2588302-3 AR
    YAW Damper Coupler 2588880-901 AR
    Mach Trim Coupler 2590650-901 AR
    Window Heat Ctl 65-52803-8 AR
    Main Mutli Plexer RD-AX1017  AR
    CVR 93-A100-30 AR
    Accessory Unit 65-52801-1 AR
    Accessory Unit 65-52801-27 AR
    Accessory Unit 65-52804-67 AR
    Switch Unit 65-52806-110 AR
    Accessory Unit 65-52808-7 AR
    Fire DetectIon 65-52809-15 AR
    Relay 65-52810-25 AR
    Accessory Unit 65-52811-103 AR
    Accessory Unit 65-52812-52 AR
    Auto Brake 65-79479-7 AR
    Air Data Computer 10-61229-114 AR
    YAW Damper Coupler 10-62253-2 AR
    Roll Channel 2588812-902 AR
    Compuetr GPWC 965-0376-071 AR
    Video Casette Player AG-7020 AR
    Video System CTL Unit RD-AF3006-01 AR
    Passenger Entertainment RD-AX7002-01 AR
    Dual Hyd Press Ind 10-3223-33 AR
    Hyd Brake Press Ind 10-3223-34 AR
    Fuel Flow Ind 10-60507-2 AR
    Liquid Qty Ind 10-60554-18 AR
    Oil Qty Ind 10-60722-5 AR
    Mach Airspeed Ind 10-60922-16 AR
    Fuel Qty Ind 10-61219-3 AR
    Fuel Qty Ind 10-61219-5 AR
    Indicator 10-61371-13 AR
    Alt Ind 10-61802-4 AR
    Elect Alt Ind 10-61826-3 AR
    Flap Position Ind 10-61926-4 AR
    EPR Ind 10-BD737-8 AR
    EPR Computer Ind 147795-01-01 AR
    Vibration Monitor 14-013060 AR
    ELT AEDCO-1033 AR
    EGT Ind 152BL801D AR
    Temp Oil Ind 162BL704C AR
    Fel Temp Ind 162BL801 AR
    Engine Oil Ind 162BL802 AR
    Flap Position Ind 2061-14-1 AR
    Radar Ind PP1-1G 2085268-0107 AR
    Gyrosin Compass Ind 2587317-655 AR
    Radio Mag Ind 36158-1AF25A1 AR
    Fuel Qty Ind 393020-01789 AR
    Fuel Qty Ind 393026-01837 AR
    Fuel Qty Ind 393026-01838 AR
    TOT Fuel Ind 393080-113 AR
    Turn Slip Ind 3932-1AG-A1-1 AR
    Distance Ind 522-1859-070 AR
    Course Ind 522-3342-005 AR
    Flight Dir Ind 522-3867-003 AR
    Radio Alt Ind 522-4363-002 AR
    Clock Ind 88000-4103 AR
    Clock 88000-4104 AR
    Tachometer Ind 8DJ81LWM2 AR
    N2 Ind 8DJ81LXH AR
    N2 Ind 8DJ81LYV AR
    Flow Meter Ind 8DJ88LWJ3 AR
    Alt Alert Ind JG1052BC01 AR
    VSI SLZ9145 AR
    VSI SLZ9145 AR
    Oil Press Ind SRL-0C4N AR
    Oil Press Ind SRL-0C4N AR
    GPS 165 011-00106-00 AR
    Engine Ctl Panel 101014 AR
    Oxygen Regulator Panel 10-60887-2 AR
    Flight Ctl System Panel SP-77 2588809-901 AR
    Stall Warning Panel 3052600-2 AR
    ADF Ctl Panel 522-2357-016 AR
    Radio Set Ctl Panel 522-2457-012 AR
    Flight Director Ctl Panel 522-4940-001 AR
    Engine & APU Ctl Panel 69-37307-112 AR
    Flight Ctl Panel 69-37313-41 AR
    AC System Generator Panel 69-37314-19 AR
    Generator Drive Panel 69-37315-32 AR
    Air Condition Panel 69-37319-60 AR
    AC Meter Ctl Panel 69-37321-28 AR
    Oxygen System Ctl Panel 69-37322-11 AR
    Cabin Temp Ctl Panel 69-37324-6 AR
    FDR Test Panel 69-37325-36 AR
    Rate of Climb Panel 69-37334-12 AR
    Fuel System Panel 69-37335-45 AR
    VHF Nav & Compass Panel 69-37344-7 AR
    Window & Pitot Heat Panel 69-37346-81 AR
    Door Annuicator Panel 69-37352-11 AR
    Thrust Reverse Panel 69-37357-32 AR
    Anti Ice Panel 69-68134-3 AR
    Panel 8571 AR
    Radar Panel G-1607 AR
    ATC Panel G-1981 AR
    Annunciator Flap Panel G-2086B AR
    Audio Panel G-2584 AR
    VHF Comm Panel G-2870 AR
    VHF Comm Panel G-2870A AR
    Panel G-2871 AR
    Panel G-5515 AR
    Pitot Tube 0851CM-2 AR
    Pitot Tube 0856AE18 AR
    Press Transmitter 10-3223-32 AR
    Switch Press 10-60552-30 AR
    Press Ratio Transmitter 10-60737-10 AR
    Switch 10-60747-6 AR
    Sensor AOA 10-60878-3 AR
    Sensor AOA 10-60878-4 AR
    Transducer 10-61072-5 AR
    Landing Light 10-61366-4 AR
    Postion Flap Transmitter 10-61841-52 AR
    Servo Motor 10-61982-3 AR
    Lighting Antenna 1908-01 AR
    ADF Antenna 2070122-0502 AR
    Antenna Radar ANT-1N 2087179-0501 AR
    Timing Switch 2123-M-100 AR
    Oxygen Regulator 22504-11 AR
    Anti Collision Light 30-1401-7 AR
    Strobe Light 30-0906-5 AR
    ADF Antenna 522-1837-000 AR
    Battery Power Supply 60-1321-1 AR
    Circuit Breaker 941D335-2 AR
    VHF Antenna DMC50-17 AR
    Shock Mounting Assy K710-22 AR
    Air Speed Switch PDCI-1B-161 AR
    Antenna DM PN3-4/B AR
    VHF Antenna S65-8262-2 AR

    All is recently removed for temporary stored and guaranteed repairable with 129 trace. Priced to sale in package or individuals, please send reasonable offers to info@fmiaero.com or please feel free to contact us for more information.

    Best Regards,
    Harry Lesmana
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