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Last post 07-26-2010, 3:08 PM by fmiaero. 0 replies.
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  •  07-26-2010, 3:08 PM 9445


    We have the following items in stock and ready for shipping:

    Power Supply 10-3257-3,
    Cabin Temp Ctl 10-60498-12,
    GCU 10-61224-3,
    PCB 10-61224-4,
    Vibration Monitor 14-013053MA,
    Relay Box 172938-001,
    MKA-28C 2087821-2811,
    Window Heat Ctl    231-2,
    Compass Sys Rack 2585703-2,
    VG-312 2587335-12,
    DG-412 2588302-3,
    Mach Trim Coupler 2590650-901,
    Window Heat Ctl    65-52803-8,
    Main Mutli Plexer RD-AX1017,
    CVR 93-A100-30,
    Accessory Unit 65-52801-1,
    Accessory Unit 65-52801-27,
    Accessory Unit 65-52804-67,
    Switch Unit 65-52806-110,
    Accessory Unit 65-52808-7,
    Fire DetectIon 65-52809-15,
    Relay 65-52810-25,
    Accessory Unit 65-52811-103,
    Accessory Unit 65-52812-52,
    Auto Brake 65-79479-7,
    Air Data Computer 10-61229-114,
    YAW Damper Coupler 10-62253-2,
    Roll Channel 2588812-902,
    Compuetr GPWC 965-0376-071,
    Video System CTL Unit RD-AF3006-01,
    Passenger Entertainment    RD-AX7002-01,
    Dual Hyd Press Ind 10-3223-33,
    Hyd Brake Press Ind 10-3223-34,
    Fuel Flow Ind 10-60507-2,
    Liquid Qty Ind 10-60554-18,
    Oil Qty Ind 10-60722-5,
    Mach Airspeed Ind 10-60922-16,
    Fuel Qty Ind 10-61219-3,
    Fuel Qty Ind 10-61219-5,
    Indicator 10-61371-13,
    Alt Ind    10-61802-4,
    Elect Alt Ind 10-61826-3,
    Flap Position Ind 10-61926-4,
    EPR Ind    10-BD737-8,
    EPR Computer Ind 147795-01-01,
    Vibration Monitor 14-013060,
    EGT Ind    152BL801D,
    Temp Oil Ind 162BL704C,
    Fel Temp Ind 162BL801,
    Engine Oil Ind 162BL802,
    Flap Position Ind 2061-14-1,
    Radar Ind PP1-1G 2085268-0107,
    RMI 2587317-655,
    RMI 36158-1AF25A1,
    Fuel Qty Ind 393020-01789,
    Fuel Qty Ind 393026-01837,
    Fuel Qty Ind 393026-01838,
    TOT Fuel Ind 393080-113,
    Turn Slip Ind 3932-1AG-A1-1,
    Distance Ind 522-1859-070,
    Course Ind 522-3342-005,
    Flight Dir Ind 522-3867-003,
    Radio Alt Ind 522-4363-002,
    Clock Ind 88000-4103,
    Clock 88000-4104,
    Tachometer Ind 8DJ81LWM2,
    N2 Ind 8DJ81LXH,
    N2 Ind 8DJ81LYV,
    Flow Meter Ind 8DJ88LWJ3,
    Alt Alert Ind JG1052BC01,
    VSI SLZ9145,
    Oil Press Ind SRL-0C4N,
    GPS 165    011-00106-00,
    Engine Ctl Panel 101014,
    Oxygen Reg Panel 10-60887-2,
    Flight Ctl Sys Panel SP-77 2588809-901,
    Stall Warning Panel 3052600-2,
    ADF Ctl Panel 522-2357-016,
    Radio Set Ctl Panel 522-2457-012,
    Flight Dir Ctl Panel 522-4940-001
    Engine & APU Ctl Panel 69-37307-112,
    Flight Ctl Panel 69-37313-41,
    AC Sys Gen Panel 69-37314-19,
    Gen Drive Panel    69-37315-32,
    Air Cond Panel 69-37319-60,
    AC Meter Ctl Panel 69-37321-28,
    Oxygen Sys Ctl Panel 69-37322-11,
    Cabin Temp Ctl Panel 69-37324-6,
    FDR Test Panel 69-37325-36,
    Rate of Climb Panel 69-37334-12,
    Fuel Sys Panel 69-37335-45,
    VHF Nav & Compass Panel    69-37344-7,
    Window & Pitot Heat Panel 69-37346-81,
    Door Annuicator Panel 69-37352-11,
    Thrust Reverse Panel 69-37357-32,
    Anti Ice Panel 69-68134-3,
    Radar Panel G-1607,
    ATC Panel G-1981,
    Annunciator Flap Panel G-2086B,
    Audio Panel G-2584,
    VHF Comm Panel G-2870,
    VHF Comm Panel G-2870A,
    Panel G-2871,
    Panel G-5515,
    Pitot Tube 0851CM-2,
    Press Transmitter 10-3223-32,
    Check Valve 10-60491-1,
    Switch Press 10-60552-30,
    Press Ratio Transmitter    10-60737-10,
    Sensor AOA 10-60878-3,
    Sensor AOA 10-60878-4,
    Transducer 10-61072-5,
    Landing Light 10-61366-4,
    Postion Flap Transmitter 10-61841-52,
    Press Relief Valve 10-61897-6,
    Servo Motor 10-61982-3,
    Lighting Antenna 1908-01,
    Door  & Press Relief Valve 125-0018-01,
    ADF Antenna 2070122-0502,
    Antenna Radar ANT-1N 2087179-0501,
    Timing Switch 2123-M-100,
    Oxygen Regulator 22504-11,
    Compensator 2589420-901,
    Anti Collision Light 30-1401-7,
    APU Firex Botle 33007505,
    Cargo Firex 34200409-1,
    Centrifugal Switch 3601030-5-1,
    Phase Converter    364-1,
    Transducer 40-817,
    Press Switch 42D107A1,
    ADF Antenna 522-1837-000,
    Battery Power Supply 60-1321-1,
    35 Deg CTL 607510-3,
    Pump Motor 832472-401,
    Circuit Breaker    941D335-2,
    Exciter Ignition 10-381750-10,
    VHF Antenna DMC50-17,
    Shock Mounting Assy K710-22,
    Air Speed Switch PDCI-1B-161,
    Antenna DM PN3-4/B,

    Units in ARC guaranteed repairable with 121 trace. Please feel free to send your offer to sales@fmiaero.com
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