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New guy looking to become a Fighter Pilot in the USAF.

  •  02-27-2012, 1:48 PM

    New guy looking to become a Fighter Pilot in the USAF.

    Hello. I'm currently working my way through highschool, getting A's and B's in every class thus far. I've had a dream of flying fighters in the USAF for several years, and prior to that it was helicopters. Anyway, I wanted to look for some advice, info, or anything that could help me achieve my goal by posting this thread.

    Currently, I am in high school. I plan to graduate with a high 3-point something grade average (Currently a 3.4 or so? Probably a bit higher.). I hope to get a degree in Aerospace engineering, take part in AFROTC in my university, and do better there than in HS. I want to become a fighter pilot (F22 is the dream, but F35, F16, or even F15 are all fine with me [I just want to get there]). I've recently purchased the 'ASVAB for dummies' book, and I have 20/20 vision. I was hoping that someone experienced with USAF Fighter Piloting as well as this forum could help me out. Thanks.
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