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Re: Wanted: JT8D-219 and -217C engines

  •  07-30-2014, 6:11 PM

    Re: Wanted: JT8D-219 and -217C engines

    REF: JT8D-219 ESN 717888 ESN 717805

    Dear All;

    Here is the latest update regarding these 2 engines:

    1. The engines are fully QECd, and will be removed in the USA this week.
    2. Upon removal, the engines will be tagged with a fresh 8130/EASA after the
    final MPA run.
    3. The engines will have a 365 day preservation performed at that time.
    4. Borescope was done over the weekend and that report will be ready in just
    a few days, all looked great.
    5. Would appreciate you reply with your interest or non interest.

    Wishing you a wonderful day and continued summer with great health &
    Best Regards, Andrey
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