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Re: top speed

  •  03-05-2003, 8:11 PM

    Re: top speed

    Run is correct. "Top" speed is a realitive variable. It's like my nephew asking me; "which airplane is the "best"?". I wouldn't desire an A-10 if I expected to encounter a flock of SU-27's an I wouldn't care for an F-15C to facilitate ground troops. Bear in mind that the F-16 was the most widely used aircraft in the '91 "Gulf war", and it was the least effective. Not to sound like I'm bashing my chosen mount for combat, but the F-16 is a "good" VFR fighter and mud pounder. The fixed intake is optimized for subsonic regions of flight. "Top" speed will also be dictated by ordinance, humidity, how well the intake is waxed, etc. fastest I've ever beaten the air into submission is M1.9. And yes, dua, it will speed up a bunch in a dive.
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