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Last post 04-06-1999, 6:35 PM by anonymous2. 1 replies.
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  •  04-06-1999, 5:52 PM 102


    *** Posted by Pinny ***
    Is landing the F-16 easy?
    I figure it is kind of hard because of the landing gear
    it is very close together
  •  04-06-1999, 6:35 PM 103 in reply to 102


    *** Posted by RUN ***
    Landing the f16 is not that hard but it is a little different than landing other planes. In most planes you have a long flare where you basically flare until the plane reaches a speed where it cannot fly anymore. In the f16 you only flare a little.
    I do not think that the wheels being close together makes it harder to land. It isn't that hard to keep the wings straight. I used to fly gliders which as you probably know only have a single wheel & they weren't hard to land either.

    Of all the aircraft I have flown the f16 has been the easiest to fly.

    regards RUN

    [Is landing the F-16 easy?
    I figure it is kind of hard because of the landing gear
    it is very close together
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