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Spotting in Denmark, Norway and Sweden

Last post 01-02-2000, 8:33 PM by anonymous2. 2 replies.
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  •  01-02-2000, 9:44 AM 1039

    Spotting in Denmark, Norway and Sweden

    *** Posted by Erwin ***
    Can someone tell me about spotting in
    Denmark, Norway and Sweden. I'm planning a trip in june to Skrydstrup en Satenas. I don't know how the MP's will react and also the local police.


  •  01-02-2000, 11:45 AM 1040 in reply to 1039

    Re:Spotting in Denmark, Norway and Sweden

    *** Posted by run ***
    Hi Erwin

    Nothing wrong with looking, but I don't think they like if you take pictures. It is a military installation.


    [Can someone tell me about spotting in
    Denmark, Norway and Sweden. I'm planning a trip in june to Skrydstrup en Satenas. I don't know how the MP's will react and also the local police.


  •  01-02-2000, 8:33 PM 1041 in reply to 1039

    Re:Spotting in Denmark, Norway and Sweden

    *** Posted by Rapier ***

    I would suggest you try to get some written confirmation from the bases if your visiting them. Most bases are ok about visit's so long as you respect their wishes. Some of them will even supply an officer/s to show you around though they may not like the idea of cameras and stuff, some stuff might be ok to photo but again you might need some kind of permission or confirmation.

    Have fun and maybe you can post some photo's to Run so we can take a peek.

    Good Luck!

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