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Airholes ( Lufthuller )

Last post 08-26-2000, 1:14 AM by anonymous2. 1 replies.
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  •  08-25-2000, 5:01 PM 1129

    Airholes ( Lufthuller )

    *** Posted by Kim Larsen ***

    Can anyone explane to a newbee as me, what a airhole is ? Is there a space with no air or is it like the sea. Another steam in the air tide ?
    Is it danderous for the airplanes ?
    Or is it on same danger level as riding in a car on a bumping road ?
  •  08-26-2000, 1:14 AM 1130 in reply to 1129

    Re:Airholes ( Lufthuller )

    *** Posted by John ***
    Airholes is just another word for turbulence or instable air. It is very common & airliners normaly try to avoíd by climbing or descending or even deviating from their course. The primary reason for this is to increase the comfort level.
    Turbulence/instable air at altitude is totally harmless and can be compared to bumps in the road.
    Severe turbulence / wind shear or 'micro bursts' during the landing phase of flight can can however be a problem, and a couple of aircraft has crashed due to this, but it is very very rare that the outcome is that brutal.

    Hope this helps

    John Raahauge


    Can anyone explane to a newbee as me, what a airhole is ? Is there a space with no air or is it like the sea. Another steam in the air tide ?
    Is it danderous for the airplanes ?
    Or is it on same danger level as riding in a car on a bumping road ?]
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