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New guy looking to become a Fighter Pilot in the USAF.

Last post 09-30-2013, 12:32 AM by fastaviationdata. 1 replies.
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  •  02-27-2012, 1:48 PM 11226

    New guy looking to become a Fighter Pilot in the USAF.

    Hello. I'm currently working my way through highschool, getting A's and B's in every class thus far. I've had a dream of flying fighters in the USAF for several years, and prior to that it was helicopters. Anyway, I wanted to look for some advice, info, or anything that could help me achieve my goal by posting this thread.

    Currently, I am in high school. I plan to graduate with a high 3-point something grade average (Currently a 3.4 or so? Probably a bit higher.). I hope to get a degree in Aerospace engineering, take part in AFROTC in my university, and do better there than in HS. I want to become a fighter pilot (F22 is the dream, but F35, F16, or even F15 are all fine with me [I just want to get there]). I've recently purchased the 'ASVAB for dummies' book, and I have 20/20 vision. I was hoping that someone experienced with USAF Fighter Piloting as well as this forum could help me out. Thanks.
  •  09-30-2013, 12:32 AM 12633 in reply to 11226

    Re: New guy looking to become a Fighter Pilot in the USAF.

    Hi Reinhardt, how's schooling? My advice is just focus on what you want and to your dream. Don't let anyone put you down and continue studying about your dream job.
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