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What is the main cause for plane crashes?

Last post 07-30-2014, 7:15 AM by angelsfrog. 7 replies.
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  •  03-18-2011, 4:22 PM 10234

    What is the main cause for plane crashes?

    I am just curious with all the pilots. What is one of the main reason you think plane crashes happen? Is it the plane, pilot, both, ATC what? My main area of interest is proper flight instruction and safety in flying. I became concerned in this area after being a flight attendant and having a very scary flight experience. I would love some feed back! Thanks!
  •  04-09-2011, 2:57 PM 10282 in reply to 10234

    Re: What is the main cause for plane crashes?

    It depends upon whether your are talking about General Aviation flying or other kinds of flying.

    For example, the accident rate for General Aviation aircraft/pilots is significantly higher than for the airlines. One reason is the skill level of the pilots and the equipment they fly.

    Another reason is aircraft capabilities.

    In most cases the National Transportation Safety Board always seems to assign some blame to the pilot for any accident, whether apparent or not.

    For General Aviation accidents the cause, for the most part, IS pilot error. Lack of currency, of recurrent training and professionalism in the approach to aircraft operation being primary.

    Airlines are extremely safe, and most emergencies easily and competently handled.
  •  07-03-2011, 10:36 PM 10503 in reply to 10234

    Re: What is the main cause for plane crashes?

    The main reason for plan crashes is the bad weather, technical problem, and bird. most of the flight crash due to bad weather.
  •  01-23-2012, 12:26 AM 11127 in reply to 10234

    Re: What is the main cause for plane crashes?

    Since you are a Flight attendant your main concern should be about the airlines.

    The main cause of crashes in airlines are bad weather, almost 95%. The rest 5% can be technical error (mistakes by mechanics) and pilot error (mostly caused by bossy captains).
  •  08-28-2012, 2:13 PM 11774 in reply to 10234

    Re: What is the main cause for plane crashes?

    Approximately 80% of all aircraft accidents occur shortly before or during take-off and landing. Human error is estimated to be a major cause in 85% of all aircraft accidents. Mid-flight disasters are rare, although not entirely unheard of. Some causes of aviation accidents include, but are not limited to:

    ■Air Traffic Controller Errors
    ■Airplane Design or Structural Problems
    ■Fueling Errors
    ■Improper Maintenance
    ■Lack of Communication
    ■Mechanical Failure
    ■Midair Collision
    ■Pilot Drowsiness
    ■Pilot Errors
    ■Pilot Substance Abuse
    ■Sabotage and Terrorism
    ■Violations of FAA Regulations
  •  10-20-2012, 11:50 PM 11924 in reply to 11774

    Re: What is the main cause for plane crashes?

    1. 85% crashes are caused by the Human Error (Pilot).
    2. 10% crashes are due to bad weather.
    3. 5% crashes are caused due to technical problems.

  •  10-21-2013, 2:04 AM 12673 in reply to 11924

    Re: What is the main cause for plane crashes?

    Pilot Error, Weather, Technical Problems and Condition of the plane.
  •  07-30-2014, 7:15 AM 13396 in reply to 12673

    Re: What is the main cause for plane crashes?

    -Human Error
    -Technical Problems
    -Excessive automation with serious trouble to control the aircraft because crew can not manage the airplane.

    Other reasons...
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