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F-16 cockpit safety

Last post 10-31-2001, 1:11 AM by anonymous2. 1 replies.
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  •  10-30-2001, 7:52 PM 1550

    F-16 cockpit safety

    *** Posted by Dan Ortiz ***
    Write message Hello F-16 Pilots, I have a company that does the interior cabinetry for buisness jets. We have product on Gulfstreams,( G3,G4 and G5)BBJ'S, Falcon-50's,and we are currently working on two Global Express's, but that is not why I am posting this message. It has come to our attention that during the ejection of a pilot from their F-16 they risk great bodily harm or possibly even worse. That is not acceptable to us. We have decided to come up with a solution to this issue. I am going to need some more input from pilots. Do any of you folks want to discuss this issue? Thanks. Dan Ortiz, Phone# 805-650-9114
  •  10-31-2001, 1:11 AM 1551 in reply to 1550

    Re:F-16 cockpit safety

    *** Posted by run ***
    [It has come to our attention that during the ejection of a pilot from their F-16 they risk great bodily harm or possibly even worse. That is not acceptable to us. We have decided to come up with a solution to this issue. I am going to need some more input from pilots. Do any of you folks want to discuss this issue?]
    If you need a consultant on Ejection Seats I can probably help you. I have flown jets with ejection seats for 9 years (F-16, T-37, T-38, AT-38) and I have been Life support Officer (The guy who teaches the other pilots about the seat and survival procedures) both on the F-16 and the T/AT-38.
    Do you just need a couple of hint or are you looking for hired help ?


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