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F16 nose landing gear

Last post 10-29-2009, 2:27 PM by davey. 4 replies.
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  •  12-01-2001, 4:35 AM 1574

    F16 nose landing gear

    *** Posted by Tyberghein Kevin ***
    I'm a student avionica in Ostend, Belgium and i'm looking for information about the nose landing gear of the F16, I need it for the lessons
  •  12-03-2001, 4:37 AM 1575 in reply to 1574

    Re:F16 nose landing gear

    *** Posted by SKY ***
    Steerable nosewheel with Goodrich tyre, size 18 × 5.5-8, pressure 14.82 to 15.51 bars (215 to 225 lb/sq in) at T-O weights less than 11,340 kg (25,000 lb). All but two main unit components interchangeable. Brake by wire system on main gear, with Goodyear anti-skid units.

    [I'm a student avionica in Ostend, Belgium and i'm looking for information about the nose landing gear of the F16, I need it for the lessons
  •  03-27-2002, 9:39 AM 1668 in reply to 1574

    Re:F16 nose landing gear

    *** Posted by alain ***
    [I'm a student avionica in Ostend, Belgium and i'm looking for information about the nose landing gear of the F16, I need it for the lessons

    Y have a lot of informations, shémas, ...
    Please, contact me, in french if is possible.
  •  12-12-2002, 5:46 AM 2085 in reply to 1574

    Re: F16 nose landing gear

    Hi Kevin,

    I've studied F-16 Cell at the Royal technical school of the Belgian airforce at Saffraanberg.
    I can offer you documentation and information about the landing gear of F-16, since I was a specialist. (I'm also a ex-student of the KHBO).
    wouter.anthierens@barco.com / @skynet.be
  •  10-29-2009, 2:27 PM 8518 in reply to 1668

    Re: Re:F16 nose landing gear

    Hi Alain,
    Je ne parles bien Francais. Je travaille maintenant un projet pour US Navy. Je voudrais des schema, des plans, ou n'importe guelles informacions sur les roues F-16 et les breakes. Merci beaucoup!
    Si mon Francais est confuse, j'ecrit en anglais ici:

    I'm working on a project now for the Navy and have need of info regarding the F-16 wheel and brake system. Any info you can offer would be helpful.
    Thank you very much!
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