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Re:Archer vs AIM

Last post 07-05-2002, 10:55 PM by anonymous2. 1 replies.
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  •  07-05-2002, 7:16 AM 1744

    Re:Archer vs AIM

    *** Posted by Emanuele Costa ***
    dear all,
    I have a question. Sorry if I ask, but I really do not know to who ask.
    I have heard that in Russia there is a place where you can fly in a MIG, paying of course. This place is a sort of TOUR INTO A MIG, with a pilot who drive the aircraft.

    Do you know something about it ?
    Please can u send me a message to bikerr1@virgilio.it ?

    thanks & regards

    Emanuele Costa ITALY

    > Hi Rapier
    > About AIM9. The most advanced AIM9 is 5 years behind the Archer.
    That is true AND the Archer became opporational in 1983! NATO
    underestimated the capabilities of the Archer and Adder. So they
    did nothing to significantly improve the Sidewinder or Sparrow!
    The new Sindewinder AIM-9X out performs everything else in
    the world, including the Israeli Python 4!

    > why have F-16's in "Operation Allied Force" been so sucessfull
    > in downing these MIG's.
    Russian pilots and their allies only fly about 20 hrs per YEAR!!
    Aliied pilots fly a minimum of 20 hrs month! Experince and
    training is the difference!

    CHECK THIS OUT! It is about a program on the Discovery Channel.
    The US Navy sent 8 F/A-18C pilots to Laage, Germany to work with
    the 73Fighter Squadron which uses the Mig.-29 as its primary
    The specs on the F/A-18 versus the Mig.-29 are similiar but in
    reality their performance is quite different!! The same is true
    for the Slammer (aka -AMRAAM) versus the Adder. The Luftwaffe
    says the effective range of the Slammer is FAR greater than the
    Adder or what the specs would indicate! There are tactics to
    nullify the advantage of superior dog fight missiles and HMDS!
    Just as there are tactics to nullify the advantage of BVR

    Posting -"Operation Red October" Adrian at 19:00:06 10/15/01
    URL - http://users3.cgiforme.com/javad/messages/404.html
    - http://users3.cgiforme.com/javad/cfmboard.html]

    Please don't change anything between the square parenthesis, but do erase this text.
  •  07-05-2002, 10:55 PM 1745 in reply to 1744

    Re:Archer vs AIM

    *** Posted by run ***
    Just press the link that says FLY THE LEGENDARY MIG 29 to the left of this message.


    [dear all,
    I have a question. Sorry if I ask, but I really do not know to who ask.
    I have heard that in Russia there is a place where you can fly in a MIG, paying of course. This place is a sort of TOUR INTO A MIG, with a pilot who drive the aircraft.

    Do you know something about it ?
    Please can u send me a message to bikerr1@virgilio.it ?

    thanks & regards

    Emanuele Costa ITALY

    > Hi Rapier
    > About AIM9. The most advanced AIM9 is 5 years behind the Archer.
    That is true AND the Archer became opporational in 1983! NATO
    underestimated the capabilities of the Archer and Adder. So they
    did nothing to significantly improve the Sidewinder or Sparrow!
    The new Sindewinder AIM-9X out performs everything else in
    the world, including the Israeli Python 4!

    > why have F-16's in "Operation Allied Force" been so sucessfull
    > in downing these MIG's.
    Russian pilots and their allies only fly about 20 hrs per YEAR!!
    Aliied pilots fly a minimum of 20 hrs month! Experince and
    training is the difference!

    CHECK THIS OUT! It is about a program on the Discovery Channel.
    The US Navy sent 8 F/A-18C pilots to Laage, Germany to work with
    the 73Fighter Squadron which uses the Mig.-29 as its primary
    The specs on the F/A-18 versus the Mig.-29 are similiar but in
    reality their performance is quite different!! The same is true
    for the Slammer (aka -AMRAAM) versus the Adder. The Luftwaffe
    says the effective range of the Slammer is FAR greater than the
    Adder or what the specs would indicate! There are tactics to
    nullify the advantage of superior dog fight missiles and HMDS!
    Just as there are tactics to nullify the advantage of BVR

    Posting -"Operation Red October" Adrian at 19:00:06 10/15/01
    URL - http://users3.cgiforme.com/javad/messages/404.html
    - http://users3.cgiforme.com/javad/cfmboard.html

    Please don't change anything between the square parenthesis, but do erase this text.]
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