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NSI Troubles

Last post 09-06-2004, 12:02 AM by NS3FalliveneE. 4 replies.
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  •  02-13-2003, 9:32 PM 2154

    NSI Troubles

    I am in a NJROTC Program at my high school. Since I want to become a fighter pilot, I really need to stay in this coarse (if I stay in all four years then i will get to go on a special "flying training" program that is said to be first class). But, My NSI happens to be a person I can't stand and has been extremly rude, hold stronge grudges agianst my fellow cadets, and is at some times acts sexist. I can't change schools and, If i wait it out, I can recieve a new teacher in a year or so. What should I do?
  •  04-07-2003, 11:13 PM 2244 in reply to 2154

    Re: NSI Troubles

    Thats an easy one Listen in one hand is your future but in order to get there you must first put up with a teacher you really have a hard time dealing with ? Well DAAA Welcome to the real world and by the by that is nothing compared to what you are going to be up against a little further down the runway trust Me, and if you have the misfortune of being of the other Sex well then your job went from very very difficult to Nearly very very Almost Impossible BUT whatever you descide to do with your life please please BE the Very Very best you can at it ! Do nothing half way because Halfway is still NOT there No matter how far half way you go it's still NOT THERE. Best of luck, Oh and can I just try for a minute to help you to open just ONE eye to the reality's of Crime and what the media calls crime. listen for just a secound and let it process? find out exactly how BUSH highjacked the election in Fla, to enable himself for what the BigBoys had ready to roll Once you get past the NOWAY crap like I did you will see things that make you so angry you'll cry BUT buy all means lets put together YET one more Law enforcement agencie ???? why isn't the other hundreds doing anything about anything just look at there excuse for there get this WAR ON DRUGS????? WHAT YEA RIGHT.. But rudyG put Gotti in prison for life BUT not the BUSH crime family why not just look back iran/contra and his dad walked away hell Cheney sit on the board of Halliburton who just was handed the contract to rebuild Iraq before it was blown up whats up witdat???
  •  03-24-2004, 8:11 PM 2466 in reply to 2154

    Re: NSI Troubles

    I had an NSI like that. I'm in NJROTC at Ramona High School in San Diego County.. area 11. He went to fight in Iraq though, so its not an issue anymore. Just try to make nice, be as kind as possible. Yeah, basically I'm telling you to suck up, but hey..believe it or not it WORKS.

  •  07-25-2004, 4:41 AM 2513 in reply to 2154

    Re: NSI Troubles

    You don't like an instructor so you want to bail. You probably won't like a MIG on your tail either but pulling the loud handles isn't going to solve the problem. Sounds to me like this person is out to see what your made of. And I might add with good cause. Your entering a field where only the strong survive. If you can't take what this boy is dishing out he very probably saved your life. If you decide to light the pipes and turn and fight, he very probably saved your life. He knows where you're heading and he wants to be sure you can give as good as you get.
  •  09-06-2004, 12:02 AM 2590 in reply to 2513

    Re: NSI Troubles

    I am also a cadet at Ramona High. We have had ruffly 3-4 command changes over the past year!!! So be happy you even have a programe as ours was under threat of being shut down. And as for your problem, If you join the military you are going to have to deal with CO's that you don't like so if you cant handle it in high school, you should probably not join the military, but stick it out kiddo, it will make u a better person for it.
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