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i want to be a pilot but have questions

Last post 05-26-2006, 7:27 PM by americanstrategist. 5 replies.
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  •  09-26-2005, 6:05 PM 3063

    i want to be a pilot but have questions

    Im 14 in ninth grade and i want to be a pilot for either the air force or navy. I'm 5'4" and i know theres a certain height that they look for. I also am curious as to what the physical requirements are, as in during the training what you need to do to pass. If anyone knows the answers to my questions please reply

  •  09-26-2005, 10:58 PM 3064 in reply to 3063

    Re: i want to be a pilot but have questions

    you can find most of this information on the offical sites. Google Navy, Army, Air Force and look for the offical sites, somewhere in the pilot, entrance exam parts of the site should be all the height specs, what you need to do to pass the fitness tests and alot more. Yes
  •  09-28-2005, 6:27 PM 3065 in reply to 3063

    Re: i want to be a pilot but have questions

    at your age i wouldn't worry at all about height requirements or physical fitness (well dont' go and gain 200 pounds...but don't go and become a body builder just yet either). what you need to do if you plan on becoming a pilot is focus on academics. gpa and extra curricular activities are extremely good things to have as pilots these days.  then towards the end of high school you need to decide on which area you want to go into...navy or af and start preparing physically. i don't kno much about navy but if you want to be an af pilot you either need to focus on getting into the academy (grades grades extra curricular and grades!) or performing well in rotc while getting good grades in college. after that if you did well you'll land a pilot training spot.
  •  12-12-2005, 10:38 PM 3135 in reply to 3063

    Re: i want to be a pilot but have questions

    i am also 14. and I have found most of all the information i needed about being a fighter pilot at www.academyadmissions.com
  •  02-04-2006, 12:07 AM 3195 in reply to 3063

    Re: i want to be a pilot but have questions

    In addition to the USAFA link, here are the limits for the Navy and Marine Corps:

    62 to 78 inches (Navy male)
    66 to 78 inches (Marine male)
    58 to 78 inches (Navy / Marine female)

    There are always waivers for that kind of thing as well...the key is knowing how to get one...of course, like others said, don't worry about that now, just get good grades.

    Check six and check out
  •  05-26-2006, 7:27 PM 3372 in reply to 3195

    Re: i want to be a pilot but have questions

    Hey kid I think 5'4 is the minimum for the USAF pilot training program.  Don't worry about it, you're only 14 and by the time you'll be entering pilot training you'll probably be in youre 20s.
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