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Using the forum

Last post 05-10-1999, 11:38 AM by anonymous2. 2 replies.
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  •  05-06-1999, 12:17 PM 305

    Using the forum

    *** Posted by RUN ***
    To decrease workload for the database its a good idea when you answer something that you erase anything inside the square brackets that doesn't relate directly to the answer. When you do this put in a little ---Snip--- to let people know that you removed something.



    What is the color of the Danish f16 ?


    It's grey

  •  05-06-1999, 3:29 PM 306 in reply to 305

    Re:Using the forum

    *** Posted by Rapier ***
    Hi RUN,

    Yeah, I realised this yesterday and began cutting out the unecessary bits of the message/s to not clog up the database.

    (Tiiger feel free to do this as well because it can be slightly confusing).


  •  05-10-1999, 11:38 AM 337 in reply to 306

    Re:Using the forum

    *** Posted by RUN ***
    [Hi RUN,

    Yeah, I realised this yesterday and began cutting out the unecessary bits of the message/s to not clog up the database.

    (Tiiger feel free to do this as well because it can be slightly confusing).



    When you do this be very carefull to keep the old message inside the brackets & the new message outside.

    Another thing. When you start discussing new stuff, please make a new thread. Some of the threads in this forum are outragesly long. It looks better when they are divided into subjects ;o)

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