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do i stand a chance

Last post 06-22-2007, 10:31 PM by raimius. 1 replies.
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  •  06-21-2007, 10:04 PM 4434

    do i stand a chance

    Hi all. I have decided that i want to attend the air force academy, but i am afraid i might have messed up. I Am currently going to be a junior in the fall. Up until the 8th grade i had straight A's, but i have an 80 average of my freshmen and Sophomore years. I am a Student Ambassador, on the varsity cross country team, and varsity track. My freshmen year I played baseball, but was unable to try out for a spring sport my Sophomore year due to bronchitis. I am physically fit and can meet most of the requirements for the physical test. This year i plan to play Lacrosse. This year i will be envolved in the science club, debate team, math team, and a couple other clubs. I am a member of my Church's Columbian Squires(community service works) I have also just joined CAP. My goal is to push myself for above a 90 average this year. Is it at all possible to be accepted, or did my low grades the first 2 years ruin my chances?
  •  06-22-2007, 10:31 PM 4446 in reply to 4434

    Re: do i stand a chance

    A 3.0GPA is not going to cut it without some amazing thing to improve your chances.  You might have a chance, but, based on what you stated, your chances are not very good.  Try your hardest to bring up your grades. 

    If the academy doesn't work out there is also AFROTC, the academy prep school, or the falcon foundation scholarship.  The prep school and falcon foundation scholarships are awarded to some academy applicants who did not make the cut but still show a lot of potential.  AFROTC is a separate program at civilian colleges that leads to commissioning as an officer.  Some people will attend another college for a year or two before reapplying to the academy.  This lets them build a better academic record.  You may want to consider these if the academy doesn't accept you the first time.  AFROTC would be good to apply for in conjuction with a civilian college if you do not want to wait the extra year or two of the other plans.

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