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Fancy colored Drakens continued

Last post 05-17-1999, 5:28 PM by anonymous2. 2 replies.
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  •  05-17-1999, 1:58 AM 447

    Fancy colored Drakens continued

    *** Posted by run ***
    Just a few more comments on the fancy colored Drakens.

    The Draken with the danish flag was as Kim remembered used during the 1986 world soccer championship in Mexico.
    The Draken was painted in the weekend 7-8 June 1986. Denmark played against Uruguay the night between Sunday the 8th & Monday the 9th of June and won 6-1. The plane flew for the first time Monday the 9th & the callsign was Dynamite six-one.

    The Draken with the red bow was used to make the 729 Squadrons christmascard. The picture was taken using a handcamera from another Draken. The pilot in this Draken was wearing a Santa Claus outfit which gave him + the guy authorizing the mission a lot of trouble (Santa hat = no helmet)

  •  05-17-1999, 2:17 AM 451 in reply to 447

    Re:Fancy colored Drakens continued

    *** Posted by Rapier ***
    [Just a few more comments on the fancy colored Drakens.

    The Draken with the danish flag was as Kim remembered used during the 1986 world soccer championship in Mexico.
    The Draken was painted in the weekend 7-8 June 1986. Denmark played against Uruguay the night between Sunday the 8th & Monday the 9th of June and won 6-1. The plane flew for the first time Monday the 9th & the callsign was Dynamite six-one.

    The Draken with the red bow was used to make the 729 Squadrons christmascard. The picture was taken using a handcamera from another Draken. The pilot in this Draken was wearing a Santa Claus outfit which gave him + the guy authorizing the mission a lot of trouble (Santa hat = no helmet)


    I guess santa traded in his raindeer for one of those fantastic Drakens that year. By the way RUN where did you get those fantastic pic's of the Draken in the gallery, some of them look spectacular.

  •  05-17-1999, 5:28 PM 461 in reply to 451

    Re:Fancy colored Drakens continued

    *** Posted by run ***
    [I guess santa traded in his raindeer for one of those fantastic Drakens that year. By the way RUN where did you get those fantastic pic's of the Draken in the gallery, some of them look spectacular.

    At my work. The photoguys were very helpfull.
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