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A demanding Job?

Last post 05-17-1999, 5:27 PM by anonymous2. 1 replies.
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  •  05-17-1999, 2:09 AM 450

    A demanding Job?

    *** Posted by Rapier ***

    Is it quite a demanding job to be in the RDAF? By this I mean, do you have to be phisically fit and if so how do you personally stay in shape? What kind of pressure do you have to contend with when you are given a certain task to acheive?



  •  05-17-1999, 5:27 PM 459 in reply to 450

    Re:A demanding Job?

    *** Posted by run ***

    Is it quite a demanding job to be in the RDAF? By this I mean, do you have to be phisically fit and if so how do you personally stay in shape? What kind of pressure do you have to contend with when you are given a certain task to acheive?




    It is very much up to the individual pilot how much effort he puts into it when it comes to beeing physically fit. It's in all pilots interest to maintain a certain fitness. It's not necessary to pump a lot of iron to be a g-monster even though some nations pilots seem to believe that. It can help if you have problems pulling g's though.

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