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RDAF F-16's return. Home sweet home!

Last post 06-05-1999, 12:31 AM by anonymous2. 4 replies.
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  •  06-03-1999, 11:53 PM 718

    RDAF F-16's return. Home sweet home!

    *** Posted by Rapier ***

    Has anyone got any news about the Danish F-16's returning home safely to Denmark after operations in Allied Force?


  •  06-05-1999, 12:16 AM 727 in reply to 718

    Re:RDAF F-16's return. Home sweet home!

    *** Posted by run ***
    What do you mean ? Allied force is not over yet & the danes are still there.


    Has anyone got any news about the Danish F-16's returning home safely to Denmark after operations in Allied Force?


    Rapier ]
  •  06-05-1999, 12:23 AM 729 in reply to 727

    Re:RDAF F-16's return. Home sweet home!

    *** Posted by Rapier ***
    Hi RUN,

    What I really meant to say is that I hope the planes come home soon and that there is some kind of peace after all this. When I wrote the message I was shocked when I saw that the bombing campaign was still on and I realised that they were still there. I did not realise that they would carry on the campaign but there is word now that the bombing may come to a halt on Sunday. What do you guy's think?



    [What do you mean ? Allied force is not over yet & the danes are still there.

  •  06-05-1999, 12:30 AM 732 in reply to 729

    Re:RDAF F-16's return. Home sweet home!

    *** Posted by run ***
    It would be nice for it to end.
    [Hi RUN,

    What I really meant to say is that I hope the planes come home soon and that there is some kind of peace after all this. When I wrote the message I was shocked when I saw that the bombing campaign was still on and I realised that they were still there. I did not realise that they would carry on the campaign but there is word now that the bombing may come to a halt on Sunday. What do you guy's think?



    What do you mean ? Allied force is not over yet & the danes are still there.

  •  06-05-1999, 12:31 AM 733 in reply to 732

    Let's hope so. (No Text)

    *** Posted by Rapier ***
    Lets hope so
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