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Last post 08-26-1999, 9:45 PM by anonymous2. 2 replies.
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  •  08-24-1999, 7:57 PM 834


    *** Posted by Drew ***
    This is good that your site has all the top rated sites. But I know there are some people cheating to get more traffic to there site if you know what I mean. Some webdesigners are voting for themselves. Come on. Let the guests do the voting.
  •  08-24-1999, 7:59 PM 835 in reply to 834


    *** Posted by RUN ***
    If the guests do the voting then you can actually cheat by voting yourself. The way I do it you can't cheat. My site wont count reloads and reloads will just be counted as one visit. Other sites where you have to click to vote are very easy to cheat. It is very simple even to make a script that does the work for you so you would get 10000 votes in an instant.

    [This is good that your site has all the top rated sites. But I know there are some people cheating to get more traffic to there site if you know what I mean. Some webdesigners are voting for themselves. Come on. Let the guests do the voting.]
  •  08-26-1999, 9:45 PM 836 in reply to 835


    *** Posted by Frank Noort ***

    No that would be a little bit too easy. I did put a link to the TOp100 on almost every page on our page, because I don't know which "entrance" the guests normally take. Luckily the script is so good that only the first visit is counted.

    Our website is truly and honestly visited this many times a day. We put a lot of effort in it, and we are happy it pays off.


    [If the guests do the voting then you can actually cheat by voting yourself. The way I do it you can't cheat. My site wont count reloads and reloads will just be counted as one visit. Other sites where you have to click to vote are very easy to cheat. It is very simple even to make a script that does the work for you so you would get 10000 votes in an instant.

    This is good that your site has all the top rated sites. But I know there are some people cheating to get more traffic to there site if you know what I mean. Some webdesigners are voting for themselves. Come on. Let the guests do the voting.]
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