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Pre flight excercises/training

Last post 09-06-1999, 11:06 PM by anonymous2. 2 replies.
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  •  09-06-1999, 7:46 PM 852

    Pre flight excercises/training

    *** Posted by Rapier ***

    I was wondering what type of excercises are performed when being interviewed to join an airforce. Over here RAF pilots have to attend interviews with at least 2 members present at the interview. One asks the questions, while the other ticks a sheet relating to how well the person being intervied has done. They will both then decide but I noticed on a program that they were making pilots perform some kind of problemsolving excercises on the ground, I remember doing something like this at college. They were also testing the pilots reactions on a computer. I was wondering if other airforces have this system of pre-flight training.


  •  09-06-1999, 8:24 PM 853 in reply to 852

    Re:Pre flight excercises/training

    *** Posted by run ***
    Hi Rapier

    In the danish airforce the applicants have to go through a lot of testing also. If you want to know more press the following link: <A HREF="http://www.forsvaret.fvr.dk/english/flv/pilot.htm" target="_blank">http://www.forsvaret.fvr.dk/english/flv/pilot.htm</A>



    I was wondering what type of excercises are performed when being interviewed to join an airforce. Over here RAF pilots have to attend interviews with at least 2 members present at the interview. One asks the questions, while the other ticks a sheet relating to how well the person being intervied has done. They will both then decide but I noticed on a program that they were making pilots perform some kind of problemsolving excercises on the ground, I remember doing something like this at college. They were also testing the pilots reactions on a computer. I was wondering if other airforces have this system of pre-flight training.


  •  09-06-1999, 11:06 PM 854 in reply to 853

    Re:Pre flight excercises/training

    *** Posted by r ***
    Thank you.
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