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  • Re: ATC commands

    You're probably long gone as you only posted one thing on this forum over a year ago. I'll try to answer to the best of my knowledge if not for you, for anyone reading this who is curious.Landing clearances being canceled are very rare. This usually occurs when a controller misjudges an airplanes approach speed, or attempts to get someone out in ...
    Posted to Aviation Safety (Forum) by Waterinthefuel on May 13, 2010
  • Re: Backup Attitude Gyro System

    You only posted 2 posts and they really are sort of polar opposites of each other but I would say that electric instruments are good backups to the vacuum ones. I'm not sure what you mean by ''truly redundant.'' Either it's a redundant system or it's not. I would say electrical is most practical. Most airplanes have an electrical system and ...
    Posted to General Aviation (Forum) by Waterinthefuel on May 13, 2010
  • Re: If you Fly only VFR

    I would say reliability if a wet pump is more reliable than a dry. I know that the dry pumps are really finicky about stuff damaging them. As a rule, wet pumps last longer than dry pumps. Usually if you pay more its a better system.Some websites to help.http://www.sacskyranch.com/rapco.htmhttp://www.sacskyranch.com/faqgarwin.htm
    Posted to General Aviation (Forum) by Waterinthefuel on May 13, 2010
  • Hello everyone!

    I'm Brandon, a certified airframe mechanic, private pilot and RC airplane and helicopter enthusiast! I stumbled across this forum after being bored and googling ''aviation forum.'' Works for me.I hope to be a very active member here, and encourage people to ask me anything related to any of the above topics, I'd be more than happy to help ...
    Posted to Personal Stuff (Forum) by Waterinthefuel on May 12, 2010
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