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  • F-15 FS Overseas locations?

    Just out of curiosity because this could affect my decisions in a future Air Force career; does the Air Force have any F-15's deployed overseas besides Iraq? (not that I care if I goto Iraq, but I already know they have an F-15 FS at Dhahran Air Field so that doesnt need answered) I guess I should elaborate that I was interested in permanantly ...
    Posted to How to become a Military Pilot (Forum) by Tengu on January 8, 2005
  • Is it too late?

    I am 18 yo and wish to become a fighter pilot. However, my Sophmore year in HS I had a crisis in the family and my grades fell pretty hard. In result I did not do very well overall in HS. I had to retake one year of math and science. However, my Senior course schedule looks like this... Physics Trig English 12 in addition, im duel enrolled at a ...
    Posted to How to become a Military Pilot (Forum) by Tengu on September 28, 2004
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