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  • Re: how to break from incoming missille

    This is a way to break away from an air-to-air missile (heatseeker): First you have to find out where the missile is coming from (KenV had the right idea),&nbsp;if the missile is behind you, pull back your throttle to almost idle possition, break hard left/right and go down about 45 degrees while dropping flares and/or chaffs. When you reach the ...
    Posted to Tactics (Forum) by Fox3 on August 18, 2007
  • Re: SU-27

    The SU-27 has its advantages, and I think that in a combat situation between the SU-27 and the F-16 the SU will probably be victorious. But the SU-27 also has its flaws. Most of them (like the thrust in comparison over its weight and its form) was fixed in the making of the SU-37 SuperFlanker. The SuperFlanker would probably be a good matchup with ...
    Posted to Tactics (Forum) by Fox3 on August 18, 2007
  • Re: becoming a fighter pilot

    Hey, I'm a 19 year old&nbsp;male from South Africa. I was able to fly an F-1AZ Mirage since the age of 16. I wanted to fly aircraft since I was six and strived to become a pilot since then. I never intended to become a fighter pilot, I planned on going into commersial. But recently I changed my mind. Only problem now is that I'm about to imagrate ...
    Posted to How to become a Military Pilot (Forum) by Fox3 on August 18, 2007
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